Real World Reading Comprehension: Nutrition



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Real World Reading Comprehension is a new series by Curriculum & Culture that helps students build their reading comprehension skills while learning about "real world" concepts (the stuff we wished we learned in school!).

Real World Reading Comprehension: Nutrition is the perfect workbook for students eager to explore the science of food and how it impacts our bodies—all while sharpening their reading comprehension skills.

What to Expect 

This workbook covers important topics in nutrition such as:

  • Macronutrients: Discover the essential building blocks of our diets.

  • Water: Learn why hydration is crucial and how it supports every function in our bodies.

  • Fiber: Understand the role of fiber in digestion and overall health.

  • Micronutrients: Explore the tiny but mighty nutrients that keep us feeling our best.

  • Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Uncover the importance of vitamins A, D, E, and K.

  • Water-Soluble Vitamins: Dive into the benefits of B vitamins and vitamin C.

  • Minerals: Investigate the essential minerals that our bodies rely on daily.

  • Adding Nutrients vs. Restrictive Diets: Learn why adding nutrient-dense foods is more beneficial than cutting out entire food groups.

  • Health at Every Size: Embrace the truth that people of all shapes and sizes can be healthy.

Each chapter is followed by a series of questions that are designed to reinforce what students have learned and build reading comprehension skills.

Why Purchase Real World Reading Comprehension: Nutrition?

  • Engaging & Relevant: This workbook ties reading comprehension to a real world topic that is crucial for students' lives.

  • Size Inclusive: With a focus on nutrient-rich eating and health at every size, this workbook promotes a balanced and inclusive approach to nutrition.

  • Easy to Use: Simply download, print, and begin working with no additional prep required. 

Equip your students with the knowledge they need about nutrition, all while enhancing their reading comprehension skills! Real World Reading Comprehension: Nutrition is the perfect addition to any classroom!

Digital purchase of this unit is copyright limited to students in one household or classroom.