Keys to Comprehension

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Grades 2-4

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Grades 2-4

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Grades 2-4

Keys to Comprehension

Keys to Comprehension is an innovative and engaging workbook designed to help students supercharge their reading comprehension skills! With a diverse selection of fiction and nonfiction passages, poetry, Black History, and even a full-length story, this comprehensive resource is perfect for home and classroom educators who want help their students build strong reading comprehension skills. 

What to Expect:

  • Phenomenal Reading Passages: Students will explore fiction, nonfiction, poetry and Black History, ensuring they have a well-rounded reading experience. 

  • Representation: Black children and other children of color will see characters who look like them throughout the entire workbook. 

  • Brain Training Activities: These targeted exercises are where the magic happens! Each Brain Training activity is designed to enhance students' ability to notice important details, visualize content, and ask insightful questions—all essential keys to comprehension.

  • Comprehension Questions: After reading each passage, students will tackle a set of questions that enable them to practice their comprehension skills. 

Why Choose Keys to Comprehension:

  • Comprehensive Approach: Keys to Comprehension goes beyond standard reading exercises, offering a holistic approach that includes visualization, questioning, and detail-oriented strategies.

  • Culturally Enriching Content: Diverse and inclusive passages make this workbooks both educational and culturally enriching.

  • Easy to Use: Simply download this resource and begin using it with your student(s) immediately. No additional prep is required. 

Use the button above to purchase Keys to Comprehension and help your student(s) build strong comprehension skills!

Digital purchase of this unit is copyright limited to students in one household or classroom.